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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Poetry Paradise!

This morning, Mrs. Steinhoff started by reading us some poems. Some of the poems were "brutal", "not funny" and "boring"! Then, we set out to find some that were actually worth reading and sharing.

Here is a poem we wrote about our experience.

We now think some poems might be ok.
But we still think some should be taken away
Although some were nice, but still pretty weird,
One even had "Pauly" growing a beard

We'll try again some other time
And work together to bust some rhymes - and maybe eat limes!

Room 4


  1. I love doing peotry
    I wish we could do some more
    But for I guess I have to close the door
    For I know that people change
    So i have to go and say the same.........For now

    I just wrote a peom.
    I love doing peoms in class.
    It's so fun.

  2. Elora! I love your poem! It is so great!
    Soon we will write more, just you wait!

  3. Looking forward to even more poems written by you, the students!
