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Monday, February 25, 2013

It's been busy around here!!!

Hi Everyone!

I'm so sorry it has taken so long to post!  We are right in the middle of one of our crunch times at school - finishing up projects, organizing work for portfolios, preparing for student-led conferences  . . . all of that adds up, not leaving me with a lot of time to post!  I thought I'd take a moment this evening to let you know what we've been up to.

ELA - We have continued the letter writing campaign throughout the month of February.  We just sent our last letter to our reading buddies in Grade 2.  It was a fantastic experience as the students ended up writing letters to many different people throughout the school as well.  It was a definite success, as we hope to continue building our relationship with our reading buddies by doing some other cool writing activities in the near future.

Math - We planned our pizza party for Valentine's Day, and to do so, we needed to create our budget, add the fractions of pizza we anticipated we would eat, decided on snacks for the side, and of course, which beverages we would like.  We recently compared our budget to what was actually spent, and the students came up with some great ideas on how to save money in the future.  It was an excellent way to learn about adding and subtracting fractions and decimals - a real life party-planning problem solved!

Social - We are now looking at some of the first European people that came to Canada in grade 5, and looking at our home province of Manitoba in grade 4.  Comparing the people, places and things to our own lives helps us understand.

Science - How does weather affect our land?  It's the big idea we are using to focus our research during our Weather and Rocks, Minerals and Erosion Units in grades 4 and 5.

French - Our plays are almost done!  We can't wait to share them with you!

Art - A big part of our art this term was using mixed materials to create our sets for our play.  You'll see in the videos how well the students used various materials to create extremely detailed sets!

Just wanted to catch up everyone out there that is following us! 

Students of Room 4 - Which subjects have most interested you?  What else did I miss?  Please leave a comment so others can see your perspective of the happenings in Room 4!

- Mrs. Steinhoff

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mrs.Steinhoff it's been really busy so far but however,its been fun. Especially the pizza party!
