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Thursday, April 30, 2015

Canada's 30 x 30 Nature Challenge

We are participating! Are you?!

This month, the students in Room 4 are going outside the box - well, outside the classroom! We will be participating in David Suzuki's 30x30 Challenge this May and we can't wait to get started!  

Here was part of the note we sent home so families would know what was coming up! 

Thursday, April 30th, 2015
Dear Parents/Guardians,

This letter is to inform you that throughout the month of May, Room 4 will be participating in the David Suzuki 30x30 Nature Challenge. The challenge involves leaving the classroom to spend 30 minutes a day in nature for 30 days. We ask that students are dressed according to the weather of the day to ensure all can join in the fun. This challenge is weather permitting which means that if we are not able to learn outside one day, we will be learning outside for 1 hour the next day.
The David Suzuki 30x30 Nature Challenge is best described as a way to get people of all ages into nature more often. Activities might include using all senses by breathing in the fresh air, listening for bird songs, or watching for local wildlife. Other activities might include scavenger hunts, sketching or journaling, writing, solving real-life math problems and walking in nature. All activities will be supervised by a Radisson School teacher.  We will also take a walking field trip to the bio-reserve to see the nature right in our backyard! This learning fits in with provincial, divisional and school priorities of teaching students about Sustainable Development and the importance our natural environment.
“It’s a simple yet meaningful way to develop a deeper connection with nature while improving our health and well-being. Best of all, it’s free and easy to implement!”
For more information please check out the website -

Laura Steinhoff
Grade 4/5 Classroom Teacher