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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Aztec Sunshines

Yesterday, we began creating our sunshines.  We used pencil, paper and pastels.  The sunshines have contrasting colours, lines and curves.  We also outlined them with black to make the colours really stand out.  Here's some comments from the students:

We wanted to make suns because we still have snow outside! We are colouring
in the suns to make them bright and beautiful! - Elora

They are bursting with bright colours! - Christine

We are making contrasting colour suns! - Anna

Mrs. Steinhoff told me I am really improving in my art and following the directions closely.  It's making my art better! - Kyle

I will be sure to post the finished products!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

More info about Fix a Leak - Slow the Flow

Hey Everyone,

I just saw that we are on FortWhyte's website.  Here is the link, which has a picture of some of our results we found while going around the school.  Pretty awesome, if you ask me!

Mrs. Steinhoff

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Fix a Leak Week - Part 2!

Our class will be sharing our water conservation message with the students of Radisson School, as well as our principal and head custodian.  We will be sharing this letter of information with them, as well as this short video so they can learn how we are wasting water at Radisson, and more importantly, what we can do to make a difference.  There will also be posters around the school to inform and remind students and staff of how they can do their part. The last way we'll inform staff and students in through our daily announcements.

We've decide to blog about our findings so other people can learn how to conserve water too!  Please read and watch below for more information.

Here is our letter to Mrs. Cross and Mr. MacKay,

Where we found leaks!
The biggest leak was in Room 3, where 56ml of water leaked per minute from the connection between the dish washer and the faucet.  The other leaks were less, between 2 - 5 ml per mintue.  One toilet also had a leak, which was 20 ml a minute. 

Water Conservation Final Cut from Mrs.Steinhoff on Vimeo.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Cheerios Investigation?!

Today we had a great time in Math.  We worked on solving a problem for the ficticious "Mrs. Oats", who need to find out if adding toys to her cereal, Cheerios, would potentially increase sales.  We discussed various factors involved, and ultimately did a simulation to see how many boxes the average person would need to buy in order to get 6 different toys in the cereal boxes if they were equally available. 

First, Mrs. Steinhoff led the class through the first simulation.  By rolling the dice, we are able to simulate a person buying each box of cereal.  This first time, it took 14 rolls of the dice, or boxes, before we were able to get all 6 toys.  Then in pairs, we did 3 more simulations. 

As you' will see from our chart, the range was from 7 - 42 boxes of cereal! The mean was 14, the median was 13 and the mode was 13. Soon we will be working on letters to "Mrs. Oats", explaining our findings in an informative letter.
We really enjoyed the lesson are looking forward to creating our own experiments!

Mrs. Steinhoff's Simulation
Working in Pairs

Tallying the Totals

Rolling the dice
Mean, Median and Mode - Explaining their meanings

Our Line Plot

- Mrs. Steinhoff


Hello Everyone!

At Radisson School, we are supporting the Day of Pink anti-bully campaign.  This morning we had a school-wide assembly where we learned our new school pledge.  By following the pledge, we are promising to take care of one another at Radisson School.  Here are some pictures of us working together, supporting the DAY of PINK! 

Room 4 in PINK

Getting into our groups

Working together

Radisson School Pledge

Friday, April 5, 2013

Social Studies Posters

#eduphotoaday Instagram Challange

Some info about the Instagram Photo a Day Challenge for teacher and student participants.