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Friday, December 21, 2012

Merry Christmas, Everyone!

Hi Room 4! I had a great time watching the talent show today. You all did such a fantastic job! Thank you for all your hard work and effort! During the break, feel free to write me a hello on my email, or post on the blog. Have a safe and restful break and see you all in January!!! - Mrs. Steinhoff

P.S. Thank you for all the thoughtful gifts and cards!!! I appreciate you thinking of me!

Friday, December 14, 2012

What are simple machines? What are some examples?

Some Simple Machines are a Wheel and Axel, A Screw, An Inclined Plane, Levers, A Pulley, Gears and a Wedge.

An example of a Wheel and Axel is a car. The Wheels of a car is a Wheel and an Axel. Without an Axel the Wheels can't go round and round because the wheel needs something to attach so it wont fall off so a axel attaches to the Wheel and now it can roll.

Another Simple Machine is a Screw. A Screw is like a ramp which is a inclined plane rapped around a screw . A screw is a Simple Machine Because it makes your life easier by building you a shelter. Without a Screw you would not have as many machines today.

Another Simple Machine is an Inclined Plane. A Ramp is an exaple for a Inclined Plane. A inclined Plane helps you use less efort to pull or push something. On the other hand if you pick something up it yakes more effort. - Christine

Another Simple Machine is a Lever. An example of an lever is a teter totter in the middle is a Fulcrum, a Fulcrum is to help things go up and down.A Fulcrum can be placed almost anywhere,in the middle, on the end, almost half through the middle and the end. Altough if your Fulcrom breaks then you don't have a Lever - Elora

More pictures from the Zoo!

Simple Machines

Today, the Grade 5's are experimenting with simple machines. They include . . . wheel and axle, lever, wedge, screw, incline plane and pulley.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Here we are!

Starting of the day in Qualico Family Centre! Poetry Time! Went outside to explore our senses. Now we will write!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Decorating and Singing!

Today, we painted some Christmas ornaments while listening to some groovy music! We tried to add detail by using different colours of paint, and even added jewels. Christmas is less than a month away! We're all looking forward to having holly, jolly Christmas! - Room 4

Friday, November 16, 2012

Winter Wonderland

Here is our finished product! We used a variety of mediums to complete this art, including oil pastels, construction paper, coloured paper and even salt! We'll have them up until Student-Led interviews so parents/guardians will be able to see them up close then!!! - Mrs. Steinhoff

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Christmas Play

For Daily 5, many students in our class have decided to create a play. They will present "Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer" during our Room 4 Christmas Talent Show! Today they had a table reading, where they practiced their lines. It's important to note that all of this work is student-led and created!!! Great job!!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

New York City Winter Wonderland

In class we were making New York City winter skylines. This art was once again, inspired by Rebecca Stead's Liar and Spy. We used oil pastels to tint colours. We are really enjoying this book.

The main characters are Georges (with an "s"), Safer and Candy. They are currently trying to figure out who Mr. X is and what he's up to. Safer and Candy are homeschooled so they have all the time in the world to spy on the people in their apartment. We are enjoying doing the craft and reading the book. We'll be sure to show you the finished product. - Room 4 Students

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

All About Canada

We are making a booklet about the provinces and territories of Canada. It is fun. We are researching about their flowers, birds, and flags. We are also comparing the populations, locations, climates, lakes/waterways and physical characteristics. We enjoy working together and are looking forward to sharing the finished product. - Grade 4 Students

Canada and its people

We have been learning about different aboriginal groups of Canada. Today, we looked at the Algonquin and Iroquoian groups. We will be writing a "day in the life" journal entry from their perspectives for Social Studies. -Students in Grade 5

Friday, November 2, 2012

Remembrance Day, Seurat and Music

We are making Seurat-inspired paintings in honour of Remembrance Day. We got the idea from the book we are reading in ELA called Liar and Spy by Rebecca Stead.


Right now, we are making dioramas. It is a lot of fun and a lot of work. Grade 4's are doing animal habitats and grade 5's are doing human habitats. So far it has been a great day. There is a lot of cool and creative ideas at work! Hoping to see them finished by the end of the day! - Room 4 Students

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

It was Operation Halloween today. Mrs. Steinhoff was really scared, so scared. We got to have some treats. Grade 5's are learning about the human body and grade 4's are learning about animals. Today we worked on our dioramas to show our learning. - Sydney